Privacy and  Cookie Policy

This Policy applies as between you, the User of this website and Community Justice Scotland, the owner and provider of this website. This Policy applies to our use of any and all Data collected by us in relation to your use of the website and any Services or Systems therein.

1. Disclaimer

Community Justice Scotland seeks to ensure that the information published on its website is up to date and accurate. However, the information on the website does not constitute legal or professional advice and Community Justice Scotland cannot accept any liability for actions arising from its use. Community Justice Scotland cannot be held responsible for the contents of any pages referenced by an external link.

2. Collection and use of personal information

This privacy notice sets out the personal data we collect about you, why we collect it and how we treat it. Community Justice Scotland collects, processes and retains your personal information from this learning platform for the purposes of:

  • Creating a secure method of signing in to use the website - your name and email address (these details will not be used for any other purpose);
  • Generating a certificate upon completion of the module - your name and surname (optional);
  • Monitoring the engagement of users with the content;
  • For assessment and analysis, so we can review, develop and improve the learners’ experience using this website and its content.

The website also collects details of your visits to the learning platform and information from your computer, such as your IP address and cookies data. Information about these are further explained below in the section ‘Cookies and website traffic’.

We use LearnWorlds (CY) Ltd. as our data processor, with whom we have entered into a data processing agreement, where it is stipulated how they process data based on our instructions. They use third party website analytics services in order to collect and analyse anonymous usage information to be able to offer the platform and services requested. All the relevant information in this Data Policy Agreement can be found following this link:


You have the right to request a copy of the information we hold about you. If you require a copy of some or all your personal data, please email

You have the right to request the deletion of the personal data we hold about you. If you wish to permanently delete your account and any personal information relating to you, you can do so at any time by emailing to request deletion of your account and personal data.

By submitting your Personal Data, you agree to its storing or processing by Community Justice Scotland.
Any personal data collected through this website will be treated as confidential in line with the principles of the Data Protection Act 2018.

3. Cookies and website traffic

When users enter the Restorative Justice module learning platform, their computers will automatically be issued with ‘Cookies’. Cookies are text files that identify users’ computers to the website server but do not identify individual users. Many websites use Cookies to track traffic flows, whenever users visit those websites.  

Community Justice Scotland’s Restorative Justice learning platform uses Cookies to measure use of the website including number of visitors/users and the geographical location of the device.  The information collected by Community Justice Scotland may include IP addresses, usage data, cookies data, online navigation data, browser data, number of log-ins, webpages visited. This data will not be used to identify any user personally but will help to complete statistical reports on activity on the learning platform as well as help influence future content and development. 

Before Cookies are placed on your computer or device, you will be presented with a banner requesting your consent to set those Cookies. You may accept or deny consent to the placing of Cookies unless those Cookies are strictly necessary. You will be given the opportunity to allow and/or deny different categories of Cookies according to your preferences. In addition to the controls we provide, you can choose to enable or disable Cookies in your internet browser. For more information and instructions on how to control Cookies in all mainstream browsers follow this page:
Cookie Policy - LearnWorlds.

4. Links

This website contains links to other sites. Please be aware that we, Community Justice Scotland, are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every website that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this website.

5. Notification of changes

If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement, and other places we deem appropriate so our users are always aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.

If, however, we are going to use users’ personally identifiable information in a manner different from that stated at the time of collection we will notify users via email or by posting a notice on our website for 30 days.

6. Contact 

If you have any queries about this statement, please contact us using the following details:


Registered Office Address: Saughton House, Broomhouse Drive, Edinburgh, EH11 3XD

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